Sprift has launched its interactive reports for lettings, creating a one-stop shop for market appraisals and property
The reports are designed to better inform landlords and prospective tenants, giving agents a competitive edge.
Taking the company’s Lettings Intelligence platform to the next level, the interactive reports create a ‘microsite’ for each property. All relevant lettings data for an individual property including a calculator for working out the rental yield, detail on whether a property requires licensing, EPC, council tax and local schools information, is aggregated and held on the report. Photos, floorplans, satellite images and street views can be zoomed in and out of for granular detail. Market intelligence and property information is updated in real-time, ensuring access to current information. A portfolio of properties can also be managed in one place.
Commenting on the new reports, Neil Simmons, senior branch manager at LeadersRomans Group, said: “These ‘game-changing’ reports will really help us enhance the marketing journey – the combination of data and information gives us a trulycompetitive edge. You can never have too much information about a property, we know our clients love it and so it provides our teams a great USP. We’re very much looking forward to working with the new interactive tool.”
Ellis-Rose Wigley, lettings manager at Richard James Estate Agent, added: “Sprift allows us to gather as much information as possible. On valuations, the reports make us stand out from other agents – helping us to be customer focused and truly ahead of the game.”
Matt Gilpin, CEO at Sprift, added: “These first-to-market reports will put agents in an enviable position when it comes to supporting and working with landlords and – in turn –their tenants.
“For landlords, they can quickly see and compare rental yields, all relevant property detail and manage their portfolio. For tenants, the interactive reports create a full and true picture about the property they are researching, in order to help support their decision.”
Since its launch in 2016, Sprift has worked tirelessly to change market behaviours through improved UK property data. To date, there are over 28 million properties stored on the Sprift platform. The company has produced nearly 500,000 reports for clients and saved them more than £19.5 million worth of research hours.